User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Commentary - USA - "We're running out of oil. Get used to it"

Jun 3, 2006

Commentary - USA - "We're running out of oil. Get used to it"

There is no cheap gasoline!!! Accept that...

Wahington,DC,USA -The Washington Post, by Warren Brown -June 03, 2006: -- Now get on with your summer travels, and have a good time... Stop worrying about whether gasoline will go up to $4 a gallon. It will. In some California communities, the price is already there. Stop running around all over the place wasting time and the gasoline you have looking for fuel a few cents a gallon cheaper... What's the point?... Here is the hard truth:
- Oil is running out.
- It probably will not disappear before many baby boomers and their immediate progeny run out of life. But it will disappear.
- Every oil company knows that.
- Every major automobile manufacturer knows that.
- Every politician who got a decent score on a scholastic aptitude test knows that.
- President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney and all their aides know that.
- Oil is running out, and it is running out as global demand for available energy resources is growing rapidly.
That means per barrel prices and pump prices are going up and will stay up... All influencing externalities -- global terrorism, political unrest in oil-producing nations such as Nigeria, refinery disruptions caused by Gulf Coast storms, the odd and often suspicious behavior of oil futures markets -- are important. But not one of them changes the essential fact that oil is running out... And when we get back, we're going to put pressure on Congress to do something real for the American people... We want something real. We want a national energy policy that deals firmly, fairly, sensibly with the reality that oil is running out...


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