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Jun 15, 2006

Car/Psychology - USA - With that saucy swagger, she must drive a Porsche

German researchers find we are what we drive and people know our wheels by looking at us

New York,NY,USA - New York Times, by Benedict Carey -June 15, 2006: -- Some people seem a perfect fit for the cars they drive, like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and his Hummer, Michael Jordan and his Ferrari. But most drivers' faces and bearing give away clues that tip off their favored model, a new study has found... Psychologists at Julius-Maximilians University in Wurzburg, Germany, report in a recent issue of the Journal of Individual Differences that students correctly matched photographs of men and women drivers to pictures of the cars they drove almost 70 percent of the time... The drivers' age and wealth were the most helpful cues, the researchers reported... Psychologists had shown in previous studies that people can accurately gauge some personality traits, like extroversion, from photos of strangers, and from personal effects, like a CD collection or bedroom decorations...


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