User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Road trains - UK - Ministers ready to let 110ft road-train trucks in for trial

Sep 12, 2005

Road trains - UK - Ministers ready to let 110ft road-train trucks in for trial

London,UK -The Sunday Times, by Dipesh Gadher -Sept 11, 2005: -- SUPER-JUGGERNAUTS weighing up to 84 tons could be allowed on Britain’s roads under proposals being considered by ministers... Haulage firms are pushing for the introduction of American-style “road trains” because they claim they are more efficient than existing vehicles, reducing costs and causing less congestion and pollution... At the moment, heavy goods vehicles are limited to 44 tons and a maximum length of 62ft. However, the Department for Transport has received applications from two companies to try much larger vehicles, partly spurred by a shortage of lorry drivers...


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