User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Story - USA - Trucking career "a good ride" for Waalk

Sep 12, 2005

Story - USA - Trucking career "a good ride" for Waalk

Des Moines,IA,USA -Des Moines Business Record, by Erin Morain -Sept 11, 2005: -- After close to 40 years in the trucking business, 32 of them as a driver with Yellow Freight, John Waalk has seen it all from deadly accidents to women changing clothes behind the wheeland driven through it allfrom blistering heat to blinding snowstorms. And amazingly, he’s logged 2 million accident-free miles during those years, earning a pat on the back and a ring from the company he has been so dedicated to. He’s recorded seven-day workweeks and 15-hour days, often filled with long hours on the road and tough manual labor on the loading docks, which he said keeps him in good health. He makes time for his wife and two grown daughters, as well as golf, fishing and riding his Harley-Davidson motorcycle. His years on the road, though often tiresome, have taught him a great deal about being a responsible driver and how to live life to the fullest...


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