Blocked - Canada - Canadian Carriers Urged to Voice Concern Over New Brunswick Blockades
Trans-Canada and International Border Crossing Blocked
Ottawa,ON,Canada -Canadian Trucking Alliance (press release) -Sept 8, 2005: -- CTA is urging carriers across the county to help put pressure on the Government of New Brunswick to take action immediately to end road blockades in the province. Some independent truckers have blockaded roadways in and out of the province, including Hwy. 2 (the Trans-Canada) in both directions, from the Quebec border to Perth Andover and Hwys. 17 and 11 in both directions from the border to the Miramichi region. The international border crossing at Woodstock-Houlton, ME is also at a standstill... The APTA has asked all its carrier members to advise their on-road personnel to act responsibly and to avoid all confrontation with the protesters during this dispute in hopes of a swift painless conclusion...
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