User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Reduction - USA - California may temporarily relax gasoline standards

Sep 9, 2005

Reduction - USA - California may temporarily relax gasoline standards

Santa Monica,CAL,USA -Autoblog, by Eric Bryant -Sep 9, 2005: -- The California Air Resources Board is looking to waive the seasonal minimum vapor pressure requirement for “summer” gasoline sold in the state until Oct. 31st. This move would follow those made by several other states in recent days... The damage caused by Katrina could reduce California’s gas supplies by up to 10%, which has the potential to cause severe pricing shocks if such a waiver is not granted... The increase in allowable vapor pressure is said to potentially result in increased hydrocarbon emissions of 6-7%, but with the modern vapor controls fitted to everything from automobiles to gas cans...


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