User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: WHITE HOUSE VETO * USA: For the annual appropiations package including trucking rules

Jun 5, 2015

WHITE HOUSE VETO * USA: For the annual appropiations package including trucking rules

* DC - White House ‘strongly objects’ to trucking provisions in T-HUD; veto likely

-- Even as a House committee gave it a procedural go-ahead, a funding bill that contains several provisions sought by the trucking industry would likely face a veto, the White House said Monday... The annual appropriations package for the Transportation and the Housing departments, includes policy riders that would extend a suspension of the restart rules contained in the 2013 change in hours of service, would permit twin 33-foot trailers on Interstates, and would block an increase in carrier financial responsibility minimums... The trucking provisions are not the only reason the White House objects to H.B. 2527. It also holds that the level of funding for surface transportation is too low and would result in decreased infrastructure investment... 
Washington, DC, USA - Fleet Owner, by Kevin Jones - Jun 2, 2015

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