User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING MARKET * Australia: Some troubles to finding transport

Jun 3, 2015

TRUCKING MARKET * Australia: Some troubles to finding transport

* Northern Territory - Some cattle producers may have trouble finding transport

-- A Northern Territory trucking company director says a booming live export trade is pushing up demand for cattle trucks. James Murphy from Barkly Livestock says his business is running "flat out" because of high demand in the live export cattle trade... Cattle producers are trying to fill the 250,000 permits Indonesia has issued for this year's second quarter, which has left transport companies struggling to meet the demand for trucks... Barkly Livestock's, James Murphy, said some pastoralists were struggling to access transport for their cattle... Mr Murphy said while cattle prices and confidence within the industry had been rising he was yet to see many flow-on affects to the trucking industry... 
(Photo from Reuters by Tim Wimborne - A road train carrying cattle near Darwin)  --  Darwin, NT, Australia - ABC Rural/NT Country Hour, by Daniel Fitzgerald - 2 June 2015



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