User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Trucking industry fights back against state tolls * USA

Jun 3, 2015

Trucking industry fights back against state tolls * USA

* Rhode Island - Truckers speak out against toll proposal

  WPRI - May 28, 2015 --  Gov. Gina Raimondo unveiled a plan to toll large commercial trucks to help fund a nearly $5 billion infrastructure plan...

-- The Rhode Island Trucking Association is fighting back after Gov. Gina Raimondo announced last week her plan to have large commercial trucks pay tolls when passing through the state... But Bill Fischer, the spokesperson for the Rhode Island Trucking Association, said it will be bad for small businesses in the Ocean State... Fischer believes local companies that travel on Rhode Island roads all day and will be hit with several tolls, are going to have to raise their prices. “Those tolling charges are going to be passed onto the consumer” ... Fischer is calling on the governor to be more transparent about where the tolls will be located, how much they'll cost and what will be the plan if truckers drive around Rhode Island... 
Providence, R.I., USA - NBC 10 News, by Matt Reed - Jun 02, 2015

* Rhode Island - Gov. Raimondo softens proposal for R.I. tolls on truckers
-- Responding to outraged Rhode Island truckers, Governor Raimondo tried on Tuesday to soften her proposal to raise $1.1 billion over the next decade by charging commercial trucks for using the state's bridges... Hours before state lawmakers began vetting Raimondo's toll plan at the State House and just after the Rhode Island Trucking Association denounced it as unjust in a news conference, Raimondo announced two major changes to her RhodeWorks transportation funding package... The first would exempt some smaller commercial trucks — those in classes 6 and 7 of the federal rating system — from the tolls that would be placed on Routes 95, 195, 295, 146, 6 and 10. Vehicles commonly referred to as tractor trailers — those in classes 8 through 13 — would be tolled. Passenger vehicles are not included in the plan... The second change provides that trucks will be charged only once per location per day in each direction. The state plans to add the tolls at between 17 and 22 bridges with a median toll of $6. Crossing the state in one direction would cost between $40 and $50... The RhodeWorks plan is supposed to provide a 30-percent increase in funding for repairs of structurally deficient bridges. The plan is based on a $700-million state revenue bond that the state would repay with the proceeds from the tolls... Despite the concessions, Raimondo's toll proposal was unlikely to draw anything but hostility from the trucking industry, whose leaders on Tuesday told reporters at a news conference at the Rhode Island Trucking Association headquarters in Pawtucket that they would not support tolls under any circumstances... 
-- Providence, R.I., USA - The Providence Journal, by Jennifer Bogdan  and Patrick Anderson - 2 June 2015

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