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Jun 3, 2015

DANGEROUS DRIVER * USA: Phones: Top Trucker Distraction

* California - Cellular device makes you 4.7 times more to be in a collision

-- Mobile phone use tops the list of distractions for truck drivers, according to data recently collected by Lytx. The video-based technology firm analyzed incidents captured on its cameras and discovered that both hand-held and hands-free devices are taking drivers’ minds away from the road... The Lytx DriveCam captures video and audio inside the cab when a risky driving event, such as hard braking or swerving trigger the system. The company evaluated five years worth of video and ranked the top distractions for two different time periods: January 1 through April 1, 2015, and the entire five years. The results are listed below. Jan. 1-April 1, 2015:

* Hands-free phone use: 32 percent - Hand-held phone use : 27 percent - Food or drink: 20 percent - Outside distraction:  11 percent  - Computer or TV: 10 percent  - Passenger: 1 percent 

The increase in the use of hands-free devices partially reflects wider availability of good-quality technology, but it also reflects a common misconception that the devices are safer than hand-held versions... “Recent statistics show that using a hand-held cellular device makes you 4.7 times more likely to be in a collision than not using one,” said Greg Lund, Lytx director of corporate relations. “Using a hands-free device is nearly as risky, 4.6 times more likely to be in a collision” ... Whether drivers use hands-free or hand-held phones, they commit 37 percent of their brain activity to the conversation... Despite the danger, truck drivers are increasingly using smartphones, laptops and tablets as critical business tools. The key, according to Lytx, is to make sure drivers are properly trained to only use the devices when the truck is safely parked... 
(Photo: A truck driver using phone)  --  San Diego, CAL, USA - Go By Truck News- June 1, 2015



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