User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRAILER MAKERS NEWS * USA: Con-way awarded

Jun 2, 2015

TRAILER MAKERS NEWS * USA: Con-way awarded

* Con-way Manufacturing wins plant safety Award from TTMA

-- Con-way Manufacturing, the trailer manufacturing and refurbishing subsidiary of Con-way Inc., has been honored with the 2014 Plant Safety Award from the Truck Trailer Manufacturers Association (TTMA)... Under the TTMA Plant Safety program, award winners are selected from member companies’ yearlong occupational injury data, recorded in accordance with the Occupational Safety & Health Administration’s (OSHA) requirements. Con-way Manufacturing won in the “C” category of the award, segmented for plants sized 350,000 man-hours and under... Con-way Manufacturing attributes much of its success to its emphasis on behavior-based safety strategies, which are designed to deeply engage employees in effective safety practice. From strategic planning and companywide, top-to-bottom training to data analysis, problem solving, process maintenance and follow-up audits, each and every employee is involved in a team effort to improve workplace safety... 
Cambridge, Md, USA - Trucking News - June 1, 2015



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