User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CAMERA SYSTEMS FOR TRUCKS * USA: Requested by Daimler Trucks

Jun 1, 2015

CAMERA SYSTEMS FOR TRUCKS * USA: Requested by Daimler Trucks

* Oregon - Daimler Trucks asks DOT to allow it to use camera systems in lieu of rearview mirrors

  (Test Drive: Freightliner's autonomous Inspiration truck - Video by overdrivemag - May 13, 2015: Freightliner introduced the first road-legal self-driving truck, the Inspiration, in early May. CCJ and Overdrive's Jack Roberts and James Jaillet were able to take a quick ride up and down I-15 outside of Las Vegas the week the truck was debuted)

 -- The rearview mirror on Freightliner’s SuperTruck, which the company hopes to nix following a petition to the DOT... Citing it as a way to improve aerodynamics and gain more flexibility in creating new technologies, Daimler Trucks North America, parent company of Freightliner and Western Star, has petitioned the U.S. DOT’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration asking it to allow camera-monitor systems as a compliance alternative to rearview mirrors... Federal regulations currently require heavy-duty trucks to be equipped with rearview mirrors from the manufacturer... But, Daimler argues in its petition, modern camera-based systems can do the job just as good as rearview mirrors if not better, and it’ll allow truck makers to avoid the aerodynamic drag that comes with chunks of metal and mirror hanging on each side of the tractor... Camera systems expand truck operators’ fields of view and give them better viewing angles of what’s happening around their vehicle, Daimler says... 
Portland, ORE, USA - CCJ, by James Jaillet - May 28, 2015



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