User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING NEW TAXES * USA: Plan would make large trucks pay tolls on 17 to 20 bridges * California: CARB has imposed new stringent fuel standards = Higher energy costs for Californians

Jun 1, 2015

TRUCKING NEW TAXES * USA: Plan would make large trucks pay tolls on 17 to 20 bridges * California: CARB has imposed new stringent fuel standards = Higher energy costs for Californians

* Rhode Island - Local trucking industry cries foul over rumored tolling

-- Members of the Rhode Island trucking industry are quickly crying foul after reports emerged of a potential new toll on tractor trailers crossing the state... Joshua Werchadlo, Vice President of Riverside –based JLine Transportation, says if the Governor follows through on rumors to toll 18-wheelers, she is unfairly singling out an already sufficiently taxed industry... “We already pay for our fair share of taxes to maintain bridges and roads through something called the international fuel tax agreement based on a formula on the miles we travel through each state and the gallons purchased in each state,” said Werchadlo... “This tax would be a double tax which I don’t think is fair” ... How will the plan work? The toll would apply to trucks with three or more axles. Smaller vehicles would be exempt from paying, including cars, SUVs, motorcycles, pickup trucks, buses and recreational vehicles. The electronic tolls, which would scan vehicles as they passed under gantries similar to large sign supports, would be set up along Routes 95, 195, 295, 146, 6 and 10...
(Image found on Wikimedia commons) -- Providence, R.I., USA - 630wpro, by Sam Wroblewski - May 27, 2015

* California - Air Resources Board has become a rogue agency

-- California’s Air Resources Board, which has assumed not only the power to regulate nearly every facet of our state’s economy, but now claims powers entirely unrelated to its statutory charge to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020... The problem for CARB is that it could just as well achieve its regulatory goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions under its cap-and-trade program without auctioning emission allowances. Cap-and-trade forces the same emission reductions regardless of whether credits are distributed for free or through an auction. The only difference is that, under the latter scenario, the agency raises (or should we say extorts?) billions of dollars for the state’s coffers – while imposing heightened regulatory burdens on business and, ultimately, forcing higher costs on consumers... Perhaps this is why satirist P.J. O’Rourke warns that “giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys” ..
(Image)  --  Orange County, CAL, USA - The Orange County Register - May 29, 2015

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