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Jan 12, 2016


* Arkansas - Trucking Association President calls for gas tax hike

-- The Arkansas Trucking Association has called for an increase in the state’s portion of the gasoline and diesel tax to make roads and bridges safer... Shannon Newton, president of the Arkansas Trucking Association and a member of the governor’s task force on highway funding, said a short-term goal on the state level is to raise $110 million for needed improvements and maintenance of the 12th largest state highway system in the nation... Speaking as an advocate for the state’s transportation industry, which accounts for one in 11 jobs in the state, Newton said “the roads are their offices,” and safety for drivers is a “significant issue.” Newton felt that the politically unpopular idea of increasing the gas and diesel tax has “fallen on deaf ears,” despite the sincerity of the problem. Over 2,600 of the state’s 5,800 or so bridges are at least 50 years old, she said, quoting the American Infrastructure Report Card... 
(Photo from Times Record - Shane Jennings, left, and Jeremy May of ArcBest Corp. speak with Arkansas Trucking Association President Shannon Newton Friday, Jan. 8, 2016, following her presentation at the the Fort Smith Regional Chamber of Commerce's First Friday Breakfast at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith) -- Little Rock, ARK, USA - SW Times, by John Lovett - January 9, 2016



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