User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS' HEALTH * USA: Sleeping accesory

Oct 23, 2015

TRUCKERS' HEALTH * USA: Sleeping accesory

*  Pensylvania - Inventor designs sleeping accessory for truckers 

-- One of America's largest invention submission companies, InventHelp is submitting the TRUCK ACCESSORY to companies for their review... "I thought there could be a better way for semi-truck drivers to catch up on much-needed rest while at a rest stop or truck stop,” said an inventor, from Indianapolis, Ind. “As a result, I invented the TRUCK ACCESSORY.” ... The TRUCK ACCESSORY provides a trucker with a relaxing way to rest while parked at a truck stop. In doing so, it eliminates the need to rest against the steering wheel or across the seats. It also enhances comfort. The invention features a durable design that is convenient and easy to use so it is ideal for use by truck drivers and trucking companies. Additionally, the TRUCK ACCESSORY is easy to store when not in use and it is producible in design variations... The inventor described the invention design. “My design allows truckers to rest when needed anywhere at any time” ... 
Pittsburgh, PA, USA - PRWEB - October 21, 2015



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