User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: II) ROADS SAFETY * USA: Senators slam 'deadly double' trucks

Oct 23, 2015

II) ROADS SAFETY * USA: Senators slam 'deadly double' trucks

* DC - Senators pushes to stop federal measure allowing trucks to haul longer trailers

-- A bipartisan group of senators slammed a proposal to increase the length of twin-trailer trucks that are allowed on U.S. roads on Wednesday... Trucking groups are pushing Congress to increase a current limit of 28-foot trailers on trucks that carry two loads to rigs that are 33 feet long apiece in an upcoming highway funding bill... Trucking groups have said the so-called "twin 33" proposal would increase the amount of cargo that can be shipped in the U.S. on a single trip without requiring drivers to work extra hours... Critics have said the longer trucks would be unsafe, pointing to crashes such as the 2014 accident involving comedian Tracy Morgan... The senators who are protesting the proposal to increase truck lengths on Wednesday said they are basing their opposition on recommendations from federal highway regulators, who have been opposed to the proposal...
(Photo by Cameron Lancaster: Sens. Roger Wicker (R-Miss.), Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.))  --  Washington, DC, USA - The Hill, by Keith Laing - 21 October 2015



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