User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR TRUCKERS * USA: TruckChat app offers trucking community support

Aug 21, 2015

SOCIAL NETWORKING FOR TRUCKERS * USA: TruckChat app offers trucking community support

* Massachusetts - Free truck chat app offers trucking community location based social networking

-- Accurate information is critical for the efficiency and safety of commercial drivers. TruckChat allows drivers to anonymously post and view messages within a predefined geographic area considering the truckers current position while travelling...  Once initiated, the system allows the driver to follow the chat regardless of position if desired. The app promotes real time communications between truck drivers, allowing drivers to communicate between themselves about issues of relevance such as traffic, directions, parking availability at truck stops and rest areas, or specials of interest to drivers, based on their location...  While drivers can use the phone's built in microphone system to convert speech into text, the company is suggesting the app be used during off hours or while loading and unloading... TruckChat is designed to be very simple and easy to use. No need to sign up or log in with emails. The best part about TruckChat is that it is completely free to everyone in the trucking industry. TruckChat is a very good way for everyone in the trucking industry to stay connected and make connections... 
Boston, MASS, USA - Digital Journal/PressRelease/ - August 20, 2015



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