User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Big Rigs * Canada - OLD TRUCKS TARGETED

Jul 14, 2015


* Port of Vancouver licensing changes mean higher costs, loss of revenue for drivers

... The Port Metro Vancouver execs were trying to reinvent the wheel and truck drivers, especially big rig owner-operators, were going to pay the price... It was hard to keep abreast of the changes they came up with, on what seemed to be an hourly basis, but here it is, halfway into 2015 and we seem to be back were we started... Suffice it to say, owner-operators were told everyone was OK to enter the ports if they updated their truck engines with super expensive emission doodads... Then, almost at the deadline date for that installation to be completed, the rules changed. Older trucks were not going to be allowed after all... The new rule, the port said, was that only companies with a minimum of five trucks would be granted entry. Oh, and that will cost you $45,000 !! ... Other drivers were assured their trucks would be ‘OK’ until the end of 2016... But on Jan. 31 that rule changed again, and suddenly a lot of drivers were parked, with permission to enter the ports denied... The ports then had yet another brain-storm. They now promised all those drivers who were suddenly denied entry that the port would give them each three instalments of $5,000 (minus taxes) to tide them over till the drivers found new ways to earn a living. Those payments have been made... 
(PHOTO by Nick Procaylo - Port Metro Vancouver keeps changing its licensing rules surrounding engine emissions and truck drivers are expected to pay the price, Big Rig columnist John G. Stirling says)  --  Vancouver, B.C., Casnada - Driving, by John G. Stirling - 12 July 2015



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