User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ENGINE MAKERS * USA - Paccar & Cummins: Two Trucking Companies Stepping on the Gas

Jun 7, 2015

ENGINE MAKERS * USA - Paccar & Cummins: Two Trucking Companies Stepping on the Gas

* New York  American Trucking Association: "Without trucks, America stops" 

 -- That quote precisely explains why no investor can ignore the trucking industry. With trucks moving 69% of total U.S. freight tonnage today, the industry often serves as a leading indicator of the state of the economy. So holding some trucking stocks could be a great way to play economic upturns...
Paccar is deftly exploiting its strong foothold in the truck markets: Its revenue surged 11% to hit an all-time high of nearly $19 billion last year, and net income climbed 16% to $1.36 billion -- the second-best figure in the company's history...

... The solid foothold in its industry is reflected in Cummins' numbers: Its revenue jumped 11% last year to a record high of $19.2 billion, and net income climbed 11% to $1.65 billion. What's more, the engine maker boasts a solid balance sheet, rapidly growing free cash flow, and a large war chest to support long-term debt that is well under control... 
NY, USA - The Motley Food, by Neha Chamaria - 5 June 2015

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