User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKERS WARN * USA: Insurance companies tell who can and cannot hire for offenses

Jun 7, 2015

TRUCKERS WARN * USA: Insurance companies tell who can and cannot hire for offenses

* Ohio - Truckers unfairly impacted by personal driving record

-- Life a truck driver means making the right decisions at work and at home. It starts by obtaining the right license, depending on what you plan to drive. This process can be costly and take weeks. Then you see a qualified doctor for a federal examination. After that you’re off to seek out an employer in which it all comes down to their insurance company whether you get the job. Great, you’re hired and rolling down the road. You say, “What’s hard about that? It’s an 80,000 pound, 65 foot truck” ... A big percent of these drivers have millions of safe miles and hours crisscrossing the country driving through the most congested cities in the country. Maneuvering through places big enough for pickup trucks and thinking about being away from family...  At the same time, what’s not understood is that anyone can go and rent a large U-Haul with a pull-behind trailer or buy a large motor home with a pull-behind trailer. These vehicles are as large as that semi truck. The outcome ban be the same in an accident. State and federal laws, however, are not the same for these vehicles... If a truck driver is convicted of an offense in their own personal vehicle – the same offenses everyday people, even county and state officials, are convicted of – the trucker has to report this to their employer’s insurance where they pass down their sentence. This can be a real gamechanger, sometimes for years. The big picture here is the truck driver’s employment is affected by the insurance company’s decisions while the employment of everyday people is not affected... These insurance companies are running these trucking companies by telling who they can and cannot hire for offenses that occurred in their personal vehicles and are not work related. Years of no accidents and no violations while driving for a living means nothing... 
(Photo: Trucks at Ohio Highway)  --  Zanesville, OH, USA - The Zanesville Time Recorder, by Brad Dillon - June 5, 2015



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