User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKS MARKET * USA: Medium-Duty trucks in strong demand

Apr 26, 2015

TRUCKS MARKET * USA: Medium-Duty trucks in strong demand

* Indiana - North American drivers prefer Class 5-7 model trucks

-- North American truckers ordered just over 24,600 Class 8 trucks in March 2015, down from the same time last year, according to industry analysts at ACT research. The drop in Class 8 trucks is due to a seven-month backlog of unbuilt orders from last year, ACT claims... But Class 5-7 orders were up, posting the sixth year-over-year gain in the past seven months with 20,800 orders. While Class 8 orders have been down to start 2015, the seasonally adjusted numbers are still predicting a 300,000 unit rate for the year... “A 300,000 unit annualized rate of order placement represents solid support for an industry already sitting on nearly seven months of unbuilt orders,” said Kenny Vieth, president and senior analyst at ACT Research...
 (Photo: Toyota's HINO light and medium trucks) --  Columbus, IND, USA - Todays Trucking - Apr 22, 2015



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