User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * Canada: Fleet age falls

Apr 23, 2015

TRUCKING INDUSTRY NEWS * Canada: Fleet age falls

* Ontario - Trucks ‘Leaving the Industry’

  --  The ongoing shortage of qualified truckload drivers and subpar industry profitability that discourages banks from lending for fleet expansion is keeping a tight lid on organic capacity growth, says the CEO of truckload and logistics giant Werner Enterprises Inc., Derek J. Leathers, attending at the NASSTRAC conference and transportation expo in Orlando the truckload industry faces unprecedented challenges to adding capacity despite remarkable efforts to reduce the average fleet age... The skyrocketing cost of buying a truck has also contributed to carrier reluctance to grow their fleet sizes. As a result carriers have “never faced a more difficult time” adding equipment. Things are unlikely to change until driver demographics improve and profit margins expand in a sustainable manner, he said... Recent data showing record numbers of orders for new trucks is not translating into more equipment on the road. Many of those vehicles will continue to be used to replace aging equipment... 
(Photo: New-trucks delivery) - Ontario, ONT, CAN - Ontario Trucking Ass., by Derek J. Leathers, Werner boss - April 20, 2015



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