User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: CONCEPT CARGO TRANSPORT * Norway: From highway to waterway

Apr 23, 2015

CONCEPT CARGO TRANSPORT * Norway: From highway to waterway

* Oslo - Cargo Ferry moves transport from road to sea

-- A new competitive and eco-friendly maritime transport concept, the Cargo Ferry project, was presented in Oslo yesterday. The result of more than two years of work, the concept has been developed as an alternative transport solution for containers that are carried for more than 200km on land. The project was presented on board Nor Line’s brand-new LNG fuelled ship, the M/S Kvitbjørn... Incorporating many innovative features, the M/S Kvitbjørn is fuelled by liquefied natural gas (LNG) and can carry as much cargo as 200 trucks. Using LNG as fuel virtually eliminates sulphur and particulate emissions, as well as significantly reducing the vessel’s NOx and CO2 emissions... A fully developed solution with the capacity to deal with the cargo volume identified in the report will require 14 ships transporting the equivalent of 220,000-270,000 45-foot containers annually. However, the overall transport price will be 20-30% lower than if trucks are used and the concept is flexible, punctual, eco-friendly and has daily departures... 
(Photo: The M/S Kvitbjørn is fuelled by liquefied natural gas -LNG- and can carry as much cargo as 200 trucks)  --  Oslo, Norway - Hellenic/International Shipping News - 21 April 2015



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