GREEN NEWS * European Commission - Fewer trucks, better air
* Belgium - Transport and innovation logistics by local authorities with a zest for efficiency and realisation
-- Goods deliveries are essential to cities, but they can have adverse effects on quality of life. Trailblazer tests new ways to reduce energy used in freight deliveries... The “greenest city of Europe”, according to the BBC, Växjö in the south of Sweden intends to be fossil fuel-free by 2030. One step in that direction has been to streamline purchasing and to consolidate deliveries... In 2009, the Swedish municipality’s 450 council offices, schools and social care establishments clocked up 1 900 deliveries a week. Thanks to their new consolidation centre, deliveries have been reduced by 82% with a 53% saving in energy... Växjö was one of four trial cities -plus Eskilstuna, also in Sweden, Vercelli in Italy and Zagreb in Croatia - that took part in the three-year EU-funded project involving seven countries. The aim was to reduce energy used in urban freight transport by showcasing good practices and promoting Delivery and Servicing Plans (DSPs). DSPs are strategy documents outlining how an organisation can manage delivery and servicing efficiently, safely and in a sustainable way.. As a result, these cities have seen an improvement in air quality, and a reduction in noise, accidents, vibration and costs... The project ended in 2013, but a 'Delivery and Servicing Plan' toolkit on their fact-filled website can be downloaded by any town or city wishing to improve their urban energy-saving plans...
(Photo, by Ulrika Nord: Driver at consolidation centre in Växjö, Sweden, loading goods) -- Brussels, Belgium - EASME (P.R.)- 21 April, 2015
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