* Colorado - Finding a niche in the trucking industry
(Photo by JIM RYDBOM/Greeley Tribune: Dawn Tesch poses for a photo at Amen Oil Field Service truck yard near the town of Kersey. Tesch represents around 400 drivers and keeps them up with regulations that constantly change)
Kersey,COL,USA -The Greely Tribune, by Sharon Dunn -6 Sept 2014: -- Working at her husband’s trucking company for years, Dawn Tesch saw firsthand the difficulties he faced keeping his drivers on the road. Not because of work ethic or performance issues. Federal and state regulations for documenting everything drivers do threatened to pull him under... Tesch explained all trucking companies must comply with 3-inch- thick book of regulations, keeping drivers in check through the state and the Federal Motor Carriers Association. Drivers are subject to drug testing, background checks, and keeping daily logs of their hours, time cards and receipts. Companies are audited for this documentation regularly, and drivers often are written up in the field for not complying... From the beginnings building on relationships with livestock haulers, Tesch and her small team of three employees today keep track of about 400 drivers in Weld County, about half of which come from the oil and gas industry. In all, she covers about 160 carriers... She says her brand of compliance involves not only working with drivers when they have violations in their paperwork, and teaching them right way to document their activities. It’s also about building them up...
Labels: managing truckers, truckers shortage
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