TRUCKERS' TURN TIMES * USA: Los Angeles and Long Beach Ports
* California - Trucker turn times measurement is flawed, consultant says
(Photo: Pier T Hoot Gate)
Santa Barbara,CAL,USA -JOC, by Bill Mongelluzzo -Sep 03, 2014: -- Truckers in Los Angeles-Long Beach have complained for years that turn times are lousy — oftentimes two hours or longer. Marine terminal operators are adamant that the average turn time is less than one hour. Transportation consultant Val Noronha says both claims are accurate; it’s the measurement that’s flawed... “There’s a problem with this,” said Noronha, who is president of Digital Geographic Research in Santa Barbara, California. “Average’ is not the appropriate statistic,” he said... Noronha has studied turn times in Los Angeles-Long Beach for the past five years. His studies confirm what terminal operators have been saying. The majority of truck visits, in fact, last an hour or less... However, the average turn time in the harbor means nothing to the growing number of truckers who spend two hours or longer to complete their transactions. Noronha’s GPS data for May 2014 show that 22 percent of all the truck visits in Los Angeles-Long Beach took two hours or longer. That is 50 percent higher than four years ago, he said... Although suggested changes such as staggered lunch breaks and an earlier start to the night shift will not solve all of these problems, they would prove to be beneficial for cargo interests, truckers and terminal operators if they significantly reduce the 22 percent of truck visits that take two hours or longer, Noronha said...
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