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Sep 13, 2014

DANGEROUS ROADS * Australia: Trucks incidents

* South Australia - Police issue warning to trucking companies. Audio communications reveal urgency of South-Eastern Freeway incident

(Picture by Mike Burton: Police inspect the large haulage truck on Glen Osmond Rd on Tuesday) Adelaide,SA,Australia -News com -Sept 11, 2014: -- A truck driver who believed he could regain control of his 77-tonne rig ignored an arrester bed before having to be escorted through the busy intersection at the bottom of the freeway... Police communications released on Wednesday reveal a calm but urgent request to clear the intersection at the bottom of the South-Eastern Freeway within minutes as the truck made its approach... The incident, which police say could have easily caused deaths, has prompted renewed calls to fix the freeway and intersection... The Victorian trucking company at the centre of Tuesday’s potential tragedy is now under investigation and police have warned other companies flouting the law will be prosecuted... Supt Fauser said police had received intelligence that trucks were avoiding the South-Eastern Freeway to combat new speed restrictions introduced on September 1...

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