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Jun 7, 2012


* New York - Midtown Traffic Getting Less Awful: DOT Set To Expand 'Midtown In Motion' Program  
(Photo: New York City Traffic) 
New York,NY,USA -NY News/Huffington Post, by Janette Sadik-Khan -6 June 2012: -- Drive through Midtown recently? No? We haven't either. BECAUSE IT'S MIDTOWN: Where buses move slower than tricycles...  According to the Department of Transportation, its "Midtown In Motion" program-- an elaborate network of sensors and cameras launched last year, which allows DOT officials to "remotely adjust Midtown traffic signal patterns"-- has been a huge success...  "Since the program was implemented in July 2011, average travel speed climbed in the zone from 6.5 mph to 7.2 mph between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., a 10.2 percent improvement. On Madison Avenue, the average travel speed jumped from 6.9 mph to 7.9 mph, a 14.5 percent improvement". The DOT's so excited about the improvements, they're expanding "Midtown In Motion" to twice its size. According to CBS New York, the DOT will add "100 more traffic sensors, 32 more video cameras, and the addition of E-ZPass readers at 23 more intersections to measure traffic speeds" ...



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