User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: ROAD FATALITIES * Australia

Mar 16, 2012


* ACT - Lowest Road Freight Transport Fatalities since 2003

Canberra,ACT,Australia -The Friday Facts ATA -16 Mar 2012: -- The fatality rate for road freight transport sector workers is the lowest since data collection started in 2003, the latest figures from Safe Work Australia show...  Released on Wednesday, the Work-related Traumatic Injury Fatalities 2009-2010 report estimates the number of workers and bystanders killed each year due to work related injuries...  The fatality rate for road freight transport sector workers was almost twelve times the average fatality rate across all Australian occupations, with 22.8 deaths per 100,000 compared to 1.9 on average. However, this is the lowest fatality rate for this sector since collection of this data started in 2003... Of the 49 truck drivers who died in 2009-2010, 23 were killed when their truck collided with a stationary object, such as a tree. 13 died when their truck collided with another truck, and 3 in collisions with a car...  Of the remaining deaths, 2 were caused by falling objects during unloading, and another 2 died falling from their truck...



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