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Jan 23, 2012


* Global economic uncertainty creates opportunities

London,EN,UK -eyefortransport -Jan 9, 2012: -- 2011 was the year many had expected the global economy to rebound strongly. Despite showing good momentum for perhaps a few months, a series of events, such as the tragic Japanese earthquake and tsunami, the Arab Spring, the European debt crisis and rising oil prices, disrupted global supply chains and shook shippers' confidence...  As a result, by the second half of the year, economic indicators and freight demand were trending downwards. The latest Global Monthly Monitor suggests there were pockets of optimism and these pockets are likely to carry over into 2012... For transport and logistics providers, opportunities will exist in 2012. In particular, opportunities remain in industries that are "recession-proof"; such as healthcare and food & beverage. The Asian domestic market will offer opportunities as will the export markets in the US and Europe... As in any questionable economic period, consolidation is anticipated. This will be the case for the transport and logistics sector as many providers, hit hard by the economic downturn and sluggish recovery, will succumb to either bankruptcy or become acquisition targets for those more financially secured providers...



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