User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: VEHICLES' THIEVES * USA

Nov 8, 2011


* DC - These are the ten cars thieves most want to steal

Washington,DC,USA -Jalopnik -4 Nov 2011:  --  The latest data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) shows thieves would rather snatch a high performance car over chop-shop money-makers like the Toyota Camry and Honda Accord. In 2009 numbers, released last night, the Audi S8 and Shelby GT500 Mustang jumped to the top of the list of preferred targets for a generation of car thieves raised on Grand Theft Auto...  Let's be clear here — this isn't a list of the ten most stolen cars in America...  Everyone wants high horsepower. It's just that they're harder to find in places where they're easy to steal...  Topping NHTSA's list of cars stolen in 2009 was the awesome Audi S8 with a take rate of 8.81 thefts per 1,000 vehicles produced. It seems as though America's carjackers love the Transporter as much we do...  The list also excludes light trucks and SUVs — which are actually atop the list of the most stolen vehicles in America. Again, these are just cars, and they're listed by tops in thefts-per-vehicles-produced...



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