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Oct 10, 2011

Emergency logistics * UK - The €1 million rescue service

Donington Derby,UK -Evolution Time Critical/Automotive World, by Brad Brennan -October 07, 2011: -- Several recent strikes at suppliers' plants have highlighted vehicle manufacturers' exposure to external events often beyond their control. In mid-September, a metalworkers' union in Sao Paolo, Brazil, called for strike action; a few days ago in India, a supplier halted production at its Bangalore plant after workers downed tools; and in France, workers at a key supplier are staging a five-week strike... According to research by Evolution Time Critical, stopping a vehicle manufacturing line due to parts shortage can cost up to €1m (US$1.34m) an hour. One of our teams recently saved a major vehicle manufacturer more than €1m in lost production, keeping the lines running by resolving a compound failure after the supply chain process experienced two consecutive faults. This emphasises how lean some manufacturers are running, and the importance of a back-up plan for when things go wrong...



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