TRUCKING INDUSTRY * Australia - ATA calls on independents to consider trucking
(Video from YouTube, by Rocketboy1950 -29 Oct 2009: A selection of clips from my road train and truck videos. Nothing here with less than three trailers.And yes I know there are bigger ones but not out on the highways)
Sydney,NSW,Australia -ATN, by Rob McKay -September 6, 2010: -- With decision day fast approaching for the three country independent MPs to help form a federal government, the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has called on them to keep the industry in mind during their considerations... The ATA wrote to Bob Katter, whose decision appears to be first cab off the rank, Rob Oakeshott and Tony Windsor last week, reminding them of the crucial role the industry plays in the economy... “The trucking industry carries three-quarters of Australia’s domestic freight, including every item on the shelves of every supermarket. The industry employs more than 246,000 people across the country,” ATA Government Relations Manager, Bill McKinley, says in the letter... “For your consideration, I have attached the Australian Trucking Association’s 2010 election brief, seting out the industry’s key priorities for the incoming government, which include continued funding for roads and more funding for truck rest areas... The Australian Government’s existing funding program for truck rest areas – the $70 million Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Program – will end in 2011-12, but rest areas are essential for safety... The industry’s drivers need to be able to get off the road and have a break”...
* Victoria - Driver pay warning as watchdog comes to town
Melbourne,VIC,Australia -ATN, by Brad Gardner -September 3, 2010: -- Trucking operators are being warned to ensure they are paying drivers correctly, as the Fair Work Ombudsman begins a compliance blitz in regional Victoria... The watchdog will target companies between September 2010 and February 2011 as a follow-up to an educational campaign designed to outline employer obligations under the Fair Work Act... A statement from the Ombudsman says inspectors will audit compliance with employee records and pay slips and might also look at pay rates, penalty loadings and meal breaks... The Fair Work Ombudsman says it can seek maximum penalties of $33,000 for each workplace offence... The campaign follows the recent prosecution of Ron Priddle Transport, which was found guilty of underpaying an employee $5300 between January 2007 and January 2008... The driver was not paid for loading and unloading, living away from home, annual leave entitlements and superannuation... Priddle was taken to court by after failing to grant the Fair Work Ombudsman access to the driver’s employment records. Under workplace laws, employers must provide records if requested...
* Northern Territory - ATA Board Of Management Hits The Red Centre

* NSW - Police warn trucking over drugs

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