Happy Trucking Week * Canada - September 5 to 12 is officially National Trucking Week
Toronto,ONT,CAN -Today's Trucking -6 Sept 2010: -- The reporters and editors at todaystrucking.com (& We) would like to remind everyone in the trucking industry that this is the week to strike with your heads held high... According to the Canadian Trucking Alliance (CTA), hundreds of companies large and small are celebrating, in all sorts of ways, ranging from flying flags to hosting barbeques and handing out employee awards... Tell everybody you meet about the immense contribution your industry makes to the well-being of this economy... Tell them this, for instance: Trucking is responsible for more than half our trade with the U.S. of A... Or this: According to Industry Canada, trucking revenue employees almost half a million people and is estimated to be worth about $40 billion annually. For-hire trucking generates roughly $15.5 billion, more than rail, air and marine transportation combined... Maybe even this: Recent model year trucks are also technological marvels -- new engines are virtually smog-free, thanks to low-sulphur diesel fuel and stringent emission standards. Most people outside the trucking industry don’t have a clue about stuff like that...Finally, if your company’s doing anything to spread the good word about Truck Week, let us know and we’ll share the good news with our audience... (Photo from thedailyrecruiter: Canada's Truck)
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