Speed Traps * Canada & USA - And they need speed limiters, why?
Toronto is the speed-trap capital of North America
(Video from YouTube, by electroboyto -01Sep10: (Eglinton Ave E & Jonesville Road @ 0820hrs EDT)- an incompletely-uniformed police officer hides behind a lamp post with a radar gun aimed into oncoming traffic. The officer then steps out from behind their hiding space to direct a vehicle onto a side street... Is this a fair practice? I DON'T THINK SO!! If the police department is going to be conducting a speed trap, it should be completely and totally visible and unobstructed. Instead, they're HIDING and ENTRAPPING motorists who then face fines from $15 - $??? and other service fees - to say nothing of the affect a ticket has on their already-high insurance premiums!... I just hope some of the people ticketed in this manner as as infuriated as i am at this tactic and are fighting these tickets in court!)
Toronto,ONT,CAN -Today's Trucking -2 Sept 2010: -- According to an American organization called the National Motorists Association, Ontario’s capital has more speed traps than Montreal, L.A., and the Big Apple combined... The stats are a product of the organization’s National Speed Trap Exchange, an online listing of all the most common traps across North America... The listing is actually a very valuable resource, particularly for companies sending trucks to unfamiliar lanes. For example, if you have somebody going down Franklin Avenue in Yellowknife, watch for radar near the entrance to the Garden Apartments... The NMA, started in 1982, is basically a drivers’ rights group. According to its website, "the premise of the National Motorists Association is that if motorists will join together in one organization to represent their rights and interests as drivers, they will no longer be ignored and exploited by federal, state and local governments" ...

As for Toronto, the organization says that more than 250 speed traps have been reported over the past few years. Montreal had 65, Los Angeles had 155 and New York City 30...
Labels: speed limiters, trucks speed
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