London,UK -Transport Engineer, by Brian Tinham -22 June 2010: -- Technologies likely to deliver carbon emissions cuts from commercial vehicles capable of meeting government targets are going to require financial incentives to drive development and uptake... So says Jonathan Murray, deputy director of the Low Carbon Vehicle Partnership (LCVP), which is nearing completion of its initial report on green opportunities for transport, sanctioned by the previous government... Its work, which has been technology-neutral (covering vehicle, drivetrain and the fuels), has to date included a market survey, a study of near- and mid-term fuel-saving techniques, an assessment of their commercial viability, work on testing/validation and generic computer modelling... As European regulations for LCVs' and subsequently HGVs' emissions targets, along the lines of those already in place for cars, get closer, choosing winning technologies appropriate to real drive cycles will become key... (Picture from roadtranspor: UK. An example of a CO2 probe used to detect heartbeats in a vehicle )Labels: reducing emissions, studies
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