User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS * USA - Truckers worry about proposed tunnel toll effects

Jun 3, 2010

INFRASTRUCTURE FUNDS * USA - Truckers worry about proposed tunnel toll effects

Norfolk,VA,USA -WTKR/TV3 -May 21, 2010: -- A private company is looking to make improvements to the Downtown Tunnel, the Martin Luther King Expressway, and also adding a new tunnel next to the Midtown Tunnel... Building a new tube may help ease traffic jams on the Southside, but the $2 billion project will be constructed using private funds from Elizabeth River Crossing - and they want to pass that cost onto drivers... Many in the trucking industry are concerned, such as those who depend on these roads and tunnels to do their jobs... Hampton Roads transportation officials want to get the cost of the tunnel tolls down to $1.50, and even that seems expensive. Right now it's free to drive through these tunnels... But officials say there has to be a toll because there is simply no state money to pay for this project...



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