Detroit,MICH,USA -Fleet Owner -May 20, 2010: -- Cost containment is now the top priority for most fleet managers and the executives above them, according to a recent survey conducted by GE Capital Fleet Services... Almost half – some 48% – of the 75 fleet managers polled by GE Capital at the annual NAFA Institute & Expo in Detroit said cost savings is the main focus for fleet management in 2010, vs. 36% from a year ago... Specifically, 36% found meeting the company’s goals for cost savings to be the highest priority, up from 28% in 2009, while 21% were most concerned about driver safety, up from 12% in 2009... He said that to reach cost and operational efficiency goals, fleet managers are turning to fleet management analytics... Consistent with last year’s survey results, fleet managers said real-time asset data, such as miles driven and fuel consumption, are the most important metrics for managing their operations. Of those polled, 21% indicated workforce productivity metrics, such as jobs per day, travel time and deliveries per day, were other important data points that allows them to most efficiently manage their fleets... (Photo from curb-a-peal: fleet trucks)Labels: trucking industry news USA
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