User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Connected Vehicles * USA - Vulnerables to Computer Network Attack

May 21, 2010

Connected Vehicles * USA - Vulnerables to Computer Network Attack

Cars’ Computer Systems Called at Risk to Hackers

New York,NY,USA -The New York Times, by JOHN MARKOFF -May 13, 2010: -- Automobiles will be increasingly connected to the Internet in the near future. Car industry running risk of repeating security mistakes of PC industry... Connection could make vehicles vulnerable to hackers just as computers are now. Computer scientists successfully remotely controlled braking and other functions. Also demonstrated inserting malicious software and then erase any evidence of tampering after a crash... University of WA and University of CA, San Diego, researchers tested vehicle network security. National Science Foundation financed researchers attempting to head off problem... Says, "Taken together, ubiquitous computer control, distributed internal connectivity, and telematics interfaces increasingly combine to provide an application software platform for external network access. There are thus ample reasons to reconsider the state of the vehicular computer security." Experimental Security Analysis of a Modern Automobile report... (Photo from duhabin: Realtor desk PC)



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