User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: TRUCKING JOBS * Australia - Struggling truckies plan red ribbon campaign

May 13, 2010

TRUCKING JOBS * Australia - Struggling truckies plan red ribbon campaign

Truck drivers are walking away from the transport industry and leaders say this situation is dire

Canberra,Australia -ABC Rural -10 May 2010: ... The President of the National Road Freighters Association, Mick Pattel, says his organisation will launch a campaign in the coming weeks to fight back at increasing costs to registration, revised fatigue laws and changes to the tracking of trucks... He says the transport industry can't continue to operate in its current form if changes aren't made, and his association's Red Ribbon campaign will help highlight this. "What it'll involve is everyone in the industry who is unhappy with the way the government is treating the transport industry to tie a red ribbon on their vehicle, mainly on their mirrors, to show their discontent, and from there on, positive action will be taken in incremental periods after that," he says.



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