Brussels,Belgium -HGV (UK) -March 24, 2010: -- The Belgian government has confirmed it will put the Eurovignette back on the agenda, when it assumes the presidency of the EU in July... The news means that new rules on charging lorries for use of Europe’s roads could be agreed by the end of the year... Addressing Belgium’s Senate earlier this month, the country’s mobility minister, Etienne Schouppe, said Belgium was aiming for agreement on the Eurovignette by the end of its term, so that member states can put in place road charging systems that incorporate the external costs of road freight transport. Under the current Eurovignette directive on charging rules for road freight(agreed in 2006), Member States can only charge for infrastructure costs. Member States are currently banned from charging lorries for environmental damage, accident costs, and congestion costs, although there is a directive which would allow these costs to be internalised for the railways... (Picture: Traffic England)Labels: tax policys, truck charges
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