User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: Infrastructure Bank * USA - Touted for transportation projects

Jan 26, 2010

Infrastructure Bank * USA - Touted for transportation projects

Washington,DC,USA -Fleet Owner, by Sean Kilcarr -Jan 25, 2010: -- A broad coalition of industry groups, state Governors, members of Congress, and public works experts are pushing the federal government to create a National Infrastructure Bank (NIB) to increase and speed up investments in regional and national infrastructure projects... Transportation projects, in particular, are being touted as ideal candidates for NIB funding – largely because such a national financing entity would allow for more consistent funding instead of the “piecemeal” approach typically used today... If created, the bank would use grants, credit assistance, low-interest loans and tax incentives to fund infrastructure projects; encourage project sponsors to identify new revenue streams to leverage costs; promote more efficient governance, and spur further innovation...



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