User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: EVENTS * Canada & USA - Experts will peg trucking’s future

Dec 7, 2009

EVENTS * Canada & USA - Experts will peg trucking’s future

Want to know what your business will be like five, 10 or 40 years from now? You just might find your answer in Winnipeg

Winnipeg,MAN,CAN -Today's Trucking -7 Dec 2009: -- Since 1966, a group of academics, engineers and industry types have been meeting and talking about the past, present and future of the transportation industry under the banner Manitoba Transport Institute (MTI)... Now, the institute, which is linked closely to the University of Manitoba’s Department of Supply Chain Management in the I.H. Asper School of Business, is reaching out and inviting industry professionals from all over the continent to a special 2.5-day event called the “Future of Trucking Symposium,” scheduled for February 17 and 19... The symposium will focus on what Larson refers to as the three pillars of the transportation industry: Vehicle technology, roadway infrastructure and public policy. "We welcome academics but the real target is the trucking firms; they’re the ones this is aimed at," he says, adding that anyone interested should check in on the website from time to time as details get firmed up... (Video from roadtransport - 6 Feb 2009: Volvo publicity video for their 'Vision 2020' concept truck, designed to drive automatically in convoy -also known as 'platooning'-)

* USA - ATA to co-sponsor first-ever national sleep apnea conference for truckers

Arlington,VA,USA -The Trucker News Services -7 Dec 2009: -- The American Trucking Associations (ATA) will co-sponsor the first-ever national conference on sleep apnea and commercial motor vehicle drivers on May 12, 2010... The conference, hosted by the American Sleep Apnea Association (ASAA), will feature presentations and panel discussions that focus on providing a common understanding of OSA diagnosis and treatment, clarifying current and proposed regulations, establishing an ongoing forum of experts to generate guidance for improvements, and providing trucking management with the resources to improve employee health and safety... Individuals with OSA are more likely to have high blood pressure, heart problems, stroke and depression, contributing to annual health care costs that are twice that of people without sleep apnea...



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