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Nov 9, 2009

TRANSPORT POLICIES * Australia - National reforms must not forget state operators

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Canberra,ACT,Australia -ATN -9 Nov 2009: -- Industry groups have backed an agreement for a single regulator to overhaul cross-border inconsistencies, but the trucking lobby says policy makers need to be mindful of intrastate operators... Australia’s transport ministers last week agreed to a state hosted regulator responsible for harmonising trucking laws in a move the Australian Logistics Council says will increase efficiency and productivity... While agreeing with the ALC, the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) Chairman Trevor Martyn says there needs to be provisions for trucking companies working within state borders... Under the ALC’s proposal, a regulator will be established in a chosen state by 2013. That state will implement laws and other jurisdictions will be responsible for following its lead... The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) will now make a decision on where the regulator will be based when it meets on December 7...



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