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Nov 18, 2009

DRUNK DRIVERS * USA - NY Governor and Legislature: Historic DWI Law

MADD Praises for

Albany,NY,USA -MADD (PR) -17 Nov 2009: -- Many of you have heard about recent drunk driving crashes in New York that claimed the lives of several children. MADD has been working with political leaders in the state and we have some exciting news... Yesterday, the New York legislature and Governor Paterson came to an agreement on lifesaving legislation. The legislation was signed this afternoon. This makes New York the 12th state to require ignition interlocks for all drunk driving offenders and only the third state to make driving drunk with a child in the car a felony. With this legislation, over 80 million people will be covered by all offender interlock legislation. Additionally, the child endangerment law is a victory for children around the state who don’t have a voice or a choice in who their driver will be... Research shows that first-time offenders arrested for drunk driving have driven drunk more than 87 times before their first arrest. Up to 75 percent of those whose licenses are suspended for DUI continue to drive anyway. Interlocks have been proven to reduce repeat drunk driving offenses on average by 64 percent...



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