Enforcement challenges
Sarasota,FL,USA -The Herald Tribune -October 4, 2009: -- With the stroke of the presidential pen last week, texting while driving became a forbidden activity for millions of federal workers... The new decree sends an important message, not just to government employees but to an entire nation of drivers who spend too much time focused on everything but the road. We just hope they're not so busy multitasking that they fail to notice... Whether by policy or by law, a ban on texting while driving poses enforcement challenges. Catching violators can be difficult, and texting has become so habitual that many drivers ignore restrictions... Heavier ticketing and higher penalties might persuade more motorists to do the right thing... Innovation also could help. Technology created the texting problem, and perhaps it can help solve it. There are products, for example, that can shut down a wireless device when it senses the car is in motion... Still, drivers shouldn't need a machine to make them do what common sense demands: Put aside distractions and focus on the road... (Photo by MARK SCHIEFELBEIN/The New York Times - Trucker Kurt Long scrolls through messages on his electronic dispatching system while parked at a truck stop in Joplin, Mo. The trucking industry says these devices should be exempted from legislation that would ban texting while driving)* TXT Blocker lets parents and employers disable texting while driving
Lake Mary,FL.USA -txtblocker -October 3, 2009: -- It should come as no surprise to hear that texting while driving is a particularly dangerous thing to do. Recent studies have shown that drivers are 23 times more likely to get into an accident if they are texting and an astonishing 46% of teens have admitted occurrences of driving while distracted as a result of fiddling with phones. A new product called TXTBlocker addresses these issues directly by disabling a number of phone functions, with the specific impact decided by a choice of settings available from an account page online once you subscribe... Users could, for example, block all phone alerts that might distract a driver while on the road, such as the ability to make and receive phone calls and texts, barring the 911 emergency service. Alternatively a "safe-list" of numbers could be allowed through and "safe-zones" can be created to up the security around schools or worksites... (Photo: TXTBlocker helps to prevent dangerous distractions while driving)* OOIDA Supports Ban on Texting While Driving - Trucker group also wants stricter enforcement of existing laws
Grain Valley,MO,USA -The Journal of Commerce, by William B. Cassidy -Oct 5, 2009: -- The Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association supports a ban on cell-phone texting while driving, but wants better enforcement of existing laws on inattentive or negligent driving by all motorists... Government agencies at all levels should do more to teach motorists how to drive around trucks, said the OOIDA. In particular, the group praised state programs that put police officers in truck cabs with owner-operators to watch for motorists who follow to closely or cut in front of tractor-trailers... The Department of Transportation is considering a ban and harsh penalties on texting while driving as part of a campaign against "distracted driving"...Labels: trucker and cell phones
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