TRUCKING FINES * USA - Washington state labor investigation looks at carrier’s APUs
Pacific,WA,USA -Land Line Magazine, by Charlie Morasch -October 1, 2009: -- Washington authorities cited and fined one large motor carrier this summer after finding that the carrier didn’t provide consistent in-cab heat for a company driver... Gordon Trucking of Pacific, WA, was fined $1,000 in June by the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries.The state alleged that Gordon didn’t ensure its company practices were adequate to make the workplace safe...Gordon equips many of its long-haul trucks with bunk heaters and APUs. The complaint alleged that when the truck was parked above about 4,900 feet, the APU heater didn’t work, leaving the driver in the cold... If the APU isn’t working,Kirk Altrichter, Gordon Trucking’s vice president of maintenance said, the company has a process by which drivers can get equipment repaired... Altrichter also took issue with Washington’s complaint that the carrier didn’t supply a backup system to help drivers heat their cabs... (Photo from hankstruckpictures, by rgellis: GTI (Gordon Trucking Inc) Freightliner Century from Pacific, WA taken in August 2004 at the Michigan/Indiana State Line)
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