Little Rock,ARK,USA -AP -1 Oct 2009: -- A federal appeals court has upheld a $4.6 million judgment against USA Truck Inc. after the trucking company breached a contract with a firm that lined up freight for delivery... All-Ways Logistics argued of Van Buren, Ark.-based USA Truck made its own deals with Rheem Manufacturing and W.W. Grainger after All-Ways had lined up shipments for years... USA Truck argued the award was miscalculated and that by continuing to work with USA Truck with other firms, All-Ways essentially waived breach-of-contract claims... The 8th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday upheld the lower court's award for South Carolina-based All-Ways. It won $3 million in damages and also was given $1.6 million in interest and attorneys fees...Labels: trucking industry news USA
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