Clean Air * USA - Benefits: Energy Savings, and Broad Appeal of Diesel Emissions Reduction Program
Washington,DC,USA -Business Wire -Oct 14, 2009:-- The Diesel Technology Forum (DTF)issued the following statement today regardingthe U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Report to Congress on the Diesel Emissions Reduction Program: "This report underscores why the clean diesel retrofit program is the nation`s best example of how public investment leveraged in a voluntary way can yield significant and proven cost-effective emissions benefits and real fuel savings," said Allen Schaeffer, Executive Director of DTF, a non-profit group..."According to the report more than 46,000 tons of NOx and 2,200 tons of PM will be reduced from the programs first year grants while fuel savings of 3.2 million gallons will also be realized"... The Diesel Emissions Reduction Program was established in the Diesel Emissions.. Reduction Act (DERA) and incorporated withinthe Energy Policy Act of 2005to promote voluntary retrofit programs at both the national and state level.EPAdistributes 70 percent of the funds through nationally competitive grant programs, with the remaining 30 percent dedicated for the states, with some of the funds dedicated as matching funds, further leveraging the dollarsCongress appropriates...(Image from Nissan Diesel Engine)
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