User-agent: Mediapartners-Google* Disallow: Trucks World News: DANGEROUS DRIVERS* USA - Truck Ban on County Roads is Ridiculous

Oct 16, 2009

DANGEROUS DRIVERS* USA - Truck Ban on County Roads is Ridiculous

With 20 years and many miles all over North America, I have seen a lot of horrible car drivers... so why not ban all traffic?...

Sarnia,ON,Canada -The Sarnia Observer, by Chris Robinson -14 Oct 2009: -- The idea of a truck ban on county roads is a ridiculous idea. Has anyone really given any real serious thought on the topic?... Residents say they are worried about there personal safety, so why not ban all traffic?... I am not saying all truck drivers are the best drivers on the road, but with 20 years and many miles all over North America, I have seen a lot of horrible car drivers... Think of this: Someone walking on the shoulder, like some of writers have mentioned. There is a car turning left. The one behind is impatient and goes around on the shoulder, not bothering to look... Not to mention how many drunk drivers are on Lakeshore, coming back from a party in Grand Bend... I make a lot of pickups around the Grand Bend area. Our company follows the speed limit and I have a lot of cars either flying by or tailgating and driving much faster than the speed limit... I thought this was a free country but I guess there are too many nosey busybodies out there trying to ruin it for the rest of us... Why would anybody walk the shoulder of a busy road when there are much safer alternatives out there? I guess that proves my point on some of the residents' intelligence... If you want a ban, then ban all vehicles. Then you will have a safe road all to yourself... (Video from YouTube, by driver1100 - 1 Aug 2009: Narrowly missing a head-on collision on the Transcanada Highway. Car passes a semi around a right hand corner and on a solid line. Most of BC's portion of the Transcanada is a winding, two lane highway with passing opportunities few and far between. You drive alert & ready for anything. This incident happened about 35 miles east of Kamloops, BC, July 21, 2009. Fortunately, this time there was good visibility around the corner)



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